UAE's Ship Recycling Regulation to Take Effect in 2025: A Move Towards Sustainable Maritime Practices

The United Arab Emirates (UAE) is set to implement its Ship Recycling Regulation (SRR), a critical step towards sustainable maritime practices. This regulation, effective from 2025, aligns with international efforts like the Hong Kong International Convention for the Safe and Environmentally Sound Recycling of Ships (Hong Kong Convention), emphasizing safety, environmental protection, and responsible handling of hazardous materials.

Key Provisions of the UAE Ship Recycling Regulation

The UAE SRR incorporates several key provisions to promote safer and more environmentally friendly ship recycling:

  • Inventory of Hazardous Materials (IHM) for new ships: Starting from 26 June 2025, all newly built ships under the UAE flag with a construction contract concluded on or after this date, or where the keel is laid or the ship reaches a similar construction stage, must have an IHM. Additionally, ships delivered after 26 December 2027 and those with 500 gross tonnage (GT) or above are also required to maintain an IHM on board. The inventory must identify all hazardous materials specified in Annex 1 & 2 including their location and approximate quantities.

  • IHM Compliance for existing ships: Existing UAE-flagged ships must comply with IHM requirements by 26 June 2030 or before they go for recycling. For compliance, existing ships should have a plan detailing the visual/sampling checks to develop their IHM, following relevant IMO guidelines.

  • Certification and Compliance: Ships operating in UAE waters or owned by UAE-based companies must be certified for IHM compliance, ensuring that shipowners have taken appropriate steps for environmentally sound recycling.

  • Safe Recycling Practices: The UAE SRR emphasizes safe and environmentally sound ship recycling, with guidelines for ship recycling facilities to prioritize worker safety and prevent pollution. These guidelines align with best practices from the Hong Kong Convention, providing a robust framework for sustainable ship recycling.

Benefits of the UAE SRR:

The UAE SRR brings numerous benefits to the maritime industry and the environment:

  • Enhanced Safety: By requiring IHM maintenance and certification, the regulation reduces risks during ship recycling, protecting the health and safety of workers involved in the process.

  • Environmental Protection: With a focus on environmentally sound practices, the regulation helps protect the marine environment from hazardous materials, contributing to a cleaner and more sustainable maritime industry.

  • Alignment with International Standards: The UAE SRR's alignment with the Hong Kong Convention ensures global compliance, fostering international cooperation in sustainable maritime practices.

Preparing for the UAE SRR:

Shipowners and operators in the UAE should prepare for the new regulation by ensuring compliance with IHM requirements, obtaining certifications, and choosing ship recycling facilities that meet the UAE SRR standards. We, Varuna Sentinels BV offer comprehensive IHM maintenance services to support shipowners in meeting these requirements. Their expertise in hazardous material inventory and commitment to environmental sustainability position them well to help shipowners prepare for the UAE SRR and other related regulations.


The UAE's Ship Recycling Regulation, set to take effect in 2025, represents a significant step towards sustainable maritime practices. By prioritizing safety and environmental protection, the regulation supports the broader goals of the Hong Kong Convention and promotes responsible ship recycling. Shipowners, operators, and industry stakeholders must take proactive steps to comply with the UAE SRR, contributing to a cleaner and more sustainable maritime industry.

To learn more about the UAESRR

Technical File

Are you in need of IHM maintenance?

If you're a shipowner seeking reliable and comprehensive Inventory of Hazardous Materials (IHM) maintenance services to comply with the UAE Ship Recycling Regulation (UAESRR), Varuna Sentinels BV is your ideal partner. We specialize in preparing and maintaining IHMs, offering you the expertise needed to ensure your vessels meet the new regulations.

Varuna Sentinels BV is already fully compliant with the European Union Ship Recycling Regulation (EUSRR) and the International Maritime Organization's MEPC379(80). Our commitment to environmental sustainability is evident through our adherence to these strict standards. This compliance positions us to meet the requirements set by the UAESRR, which goes into effect in 2025, and the broader Hong Kong Convention for Safe and Environmentally Sound Recycling of Ships.

By partnering with Varuna Sentinels BV for IHM maintenance, you can be confident that your vessels will be compliant with UAESRR, with a comprehensive record of hazardous materials on board. Our services not only ensure compliance but also contribute to a safer and more sustainable future for the maritime industry. We take pride in supporting responsible ship recycling practices and safeguarding the marine environment.

If you are interested in learning more about how we can assist with your IHM requirements, please contact us at We'd be happy to provide additional information or arrange a demo call to discuss how we can meet your IHM maintenance needs. Join us in making a positive impact on the maritime industry. We look forward to hearing from you soon.